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Profitable Popularity with Dr. Rachna Jain.

Profitable Popularity with Dr. Rachna Jain, an entrepreneur, author, marketing consultant and speaker. She shares her diverse background, and practical advice to help you grow your small business through profitable online marketing.

Rachna Jain

Dr. Jain is an entrepreneur, internet marketing consultant, speaker and author of five books. She helps her clients become more profitable and more popular online.

She is the founder and CEO of Profitable Popularity. She offers internet marketing consulting, and believes that every business owner she works with has the potential to:

Attain more profits while working less
Reach a greater audience using simple relationship building tools
Expand their creativity and what is possible for them in their business

This is the hallmark of her P3 formula: more profits, more platform, and more playtime.

My clients have seen business increases of more than 100% in just one year; and this has changed everything for them. They feel more confident. They reach for bigger opportunities. They make enough money to support themselves and provide for their families. And, perhaps most importantly, they step out and away from the tangles of confusion that were surrounding them before. They adopt this simple system for marketing and focus just on this system. This also saves them thousands of dollars a year in educational costs- not to mention hundreds of hours. Since this system is hands-free, they have a lot of time to focus on other areas of their business they want to grow.

My specific expertise is in applied internet marketing strategy. That means I can both help you conceive of the big picture overview and implement a practical plan to get there.


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