Growth by Referrals with Stacey Brown Randall.
Growth by Referrals with Stacey Brown Randall, a business owner and founder of Stacey Brown Randall and the Growth by Referrals program. She shares a unique approach to building your small business through referrals, and how to improve your productivity.
Stacey is an entrepreneur, Referral Marketing Strategist, Business Growth Accelerator, Productivity Coach, Adjunct Professor and the owner of Stacey Brown Randall and the Growth by Referrals program. She figured out how to grow her business and now works with other business owners to help them do the same. Her mission is to help people make more money and find more time. She is passionate about teaching you to understand referral marketing, client experience, business growth and being more productive.
Stacey lives in the Charlotte, NC area with her husband, three children.
More about Stacey:
“In 2007 I decided to take the entrepreneurial leap and left my safe W-2 job to join a small company where I would come in as a partner and run and manage a new division completely in line with my expertise. (I was 4 weeks pregnant at the time and didn’t know it – not the best timing – just sayin’). A year later, with a 4-month-old, I had a client encourage me to leave that small firm and start my own company. They would become my first and biggest client for two years. Until they weren’t and then I had to quickly start bringing on new clients to survive.
It didn’t end well and I wish I could blame the recession. But that wouldn’t be true.
During months and months of reflection and talking to other successful business owners I discovered where it all went wrong. One main point of contention was not establishing a system to bring in new clients in a way that worked for me.
My clients had to know, like and trust me to hire me. And they were more willing to take the recommendation of a colleague than just randomly find me on the internet. So all that “brand and credibility” building I did was for not. (Not even my articles published in impressive magazines or my interview with Bloomberg News could save me.)
What I needed – but didn’t have – was a way to generate referrals. While working at the “corporate” job after the business failed I researched referrals. But I didn’t like what I found. It didn’t fit me, my values and it left me feeling inauthentic.
So, I set out to crack the code on generating referrals WITHOUT asking and crack it I did. Once I left the job and started my next entrepreneurial adventure I applied my referral strategy and had crazy success.
I have been able to generate triple digit referrals (more than 100) year over year. In my first year alone as a business coach I generated 112 referrals that I did not ask for.
When demand for my coaching services went up, supply went down and my clients noticed. It was harder to get on my schedule and they wanted to know why. So, I started teaching them my referral plan and they started having the same success as well. In some cases, better success than me.”
Growth by Referrals with Stacey Brown Randall:
- “I am a member of the business failure club.” Stacey explains how she endured previous business failures before finding small business success.
- Stacey shares the three secrets of the failure of her first business venture.
- Stacey is a champion of soloprenuers and small business owners.
- She loves working with people who have to develop and cultivate relationships to sell.
- She considers herself a gatherer, not a hunter, when it comes to cultivating new business and getting referrals.
- “I abhor cold calling (Will. Not. Do. It.)”
- She is an Anti-perfectionist…because no entrepreneur has time for perfection.
- “I don’t make the best employee.”
- “It’s not about B2B or B2C – it’s about H2H – Human to Human is where we build trust and become resources to our clients. Because it is at this place where cultivating referrals begins.”
- Stacey explains what she means by “client experiences” and how they are a part of our business.
- She shares her ideas about building your small business through referrals. Mastering the “Non-Ask Ask“.
- Stacey also shares advice on how to improve productivity to help you grow your small business.
Books mentioned in this episode:
[We receive commissions for purchases made through these links (more info)].
- Generating Business Referrals Without Asking: A Simple Five Step Plan to a Referral Explosion by Stacey Brown Randall
- Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek
- Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl
The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It by Michael E. Gerber
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