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Raising Capital with SBRE Entrepreneur Matt Burk.

Raising Capital with SBRE Entrepreneur Matt Burk, author of “Capital Attraction – The Small Balance Real Estate Entrepreneur’s Essential Guide to Raising Capital.” Matt shares his entrepreneurial journey, tips & advice on raising capital for your small business, and other valuable insights on starting, running and growing your small business.

Matt Burk - EntrepreneurMatt is an entrepreneur, real estate investor, adviser, consultant and author. He is the foremost authority in the U.S. in the specialized field of non-institutional sized, small balance real estate (SBRE) asset based pooled investment funds – a very large, fragmented, and misunderstood real estate investment market segment.

He is the author of the industry gold standard blog followed closely by serious SBRE entrepreneurs and investors alike, and the author of the recently release book “Capital Attraction – The Small Balance Real Estate Entrepreneur’s Essential Guide to Raising Capital.”

Matt is founder and CEO of Fairway America.  Led by Matt’s nearly 30 years of experience in the real estate finance field, Fairway is the nation’s premier consulting, advisory, and investment firm in the SBRE private pooled investment fund space, providing a full spectrum of practical, real world products and services needed for true success for SBRE entrepreneurs. He has played the lead consulting role in the architecture and creation of dozens of SBRE funds tallying more than $2,000,000,000 in total offerings since 2012.

Matt lives the Portland, Oregon area.

Questions and topics addressed on this episode of The How of Business podcast include:

  • Matt’s early influences include his parents and his grandfather.
  • He shares his experience with business partnerships.
  • “It is not what happens to a person that matters, but rather how they respond to those circumstances that is important, and it defines them.”
  • “Raising capital is a process, not an event.”
  • “Investors care more about what is happening than they do about results.”
  • Matt shares valuable insights and tips to help small business owners raise capital to start and grow a small business. While his expertise is currently in real estate, the strategies and techniques he shares apply to all businesses.
  • Matt explains the creative process of writing his book “Capital Attraction – The Small Balance Real Estate Entrepreneur’s Essential Guide to Raising Capital”.


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