Henry Lopez - Media Page

About Henry Lopez

Short Bio:

Henry is a Serial Entrepreneur, Small Business Coach & Consultant, and Host of The How of Business podcast show.

Henry is a serial entrepreneur, small business coach and consultant, and host of top-rated The How of Business podcast show. Henry has over 36 years of diverse business experience, including successful careers in the information technology industry, sales, sales training and business ownership. Henry has been involved in 12 different businesses, since buying his first business in 1991.

Henry has bought and sold businesses and has also developed his own new businesses, including franchises. His businesses span various industries including restaurants, real estate investments, salon suites, software, travel, shared office space & coworking, car washing, and small business coaching and consulting. Henry currently resides in Jensen Beach, Florida with his wife Pam.

He is currently the Managing Partner of Levante Business Group (supporting entrepreneurs and small business owners and producers of The How of Business podcast), co-owner of L3 Destinations (a Travel Agency co-founded with his wife), and a minority partner and investor in Office Evolution of Plantation (an executive suites and co-working business center franchise location). 

[Henry’s Full Bio]

Social Media:

Facebook LinkedIn YouTube Channel


Henry’s Images & Logo:


Potential Interview Topics & Questions:

Henry is able to draw upon his many years of experience with small business ownership and working with his business coaching clients. Following are some potential business topics and questions Henry can cover during an interview:

Interview Topic: Potential Interview Questions:
Henry’s Entrepreneur Journey

Related appearances:
Absolute Mindset Podcast – Entrepreneur Journey & Mindset

The Small Business Show Podcast

• Share the story of your entrepreneurial journey, from starting your first business while keeping your day job, to your current endeavors.

• What are some of the struggles and failures you had to overcome along the way?

• Why did you decide to become your own boss, and what motivates you now?

Starting Your Business – Are You Ready?

Related Content

Related appearances:
The Hot Mic @ Arch DevOps  – Are You Ready, Willing & Able

• Why do you believe that people have to determine how ready, willing and able they are to start their first business?

•What does it take to start a business?

• What are some of the common characteristics of successful small business owners?

• What do you mean by “ready, willing and able” to start a small business?

• What are some of the common misconceptions about entrepreneurship?

Buying & Selling a Small Business

Related Content

• Why should someone consider buying an existing small business, instead of starting a new one ?

• What are some things to consider when evaluating a business to buy? How do you determine the right price to pay?

• How do you prepare your small business for sale?

• Why should we always prepare our small business for a potential exit?

Remarkable Customer Experiences

Related appearances: 
The Business Power Hour – Delivering Remarkable Customer Experiences 

The Business Power Hour – Delivering Remarkable Customer Experiences 

• What do you mean by Remarkable Customer Experiences?

• How do you deliver consistently great customer service?

• Can you provide excellent customer service with hourly wage employees?

• Introduce the 6 Steps to Delivering Remarkable Customer Experiences.

Small Business Systems

Related Content

• What is a business system?

• Why are business systems critical to the long-term success of a small business?

• How do you begin to develop the systems for a small business?


Related Content

Related appearances:
Franchise Freedom Podcast – How to Start, Run & Grow a Small Business

• What are the some of the advantages and disadvantages of a franchise business?

• What are the four potential benefits you should consider when evaluating a franchise business?

• How do you know if a franchise business is for you?

Business Partnerships

Related Content

Related appearances:
Business Owner’s Freedom Formula Show – Business Partnerships

• Share your experiences with partnerships, and why you prefer to work with a business partner?

• What are your thoughts and experiences doing business with family and friends?

• Introduce the three pillars of a successful business partnership?

Personal & Business Productivity

Related Content

• Share some tips & techniques to improve productivity.

• What are the three reasons business owners should get better at delegating?

• How do you manage your time and juggle working on multiple businesses?


Henry’s appearances on other shows:


Henry’s Business Ownership Experience:

Henry has been involved in over 11 different businesses since buying his first small business in 1991. He has always followed an opportunistic approach to small business ownership, as is reflected in the variety of business types and industries he has invested in. His business ventures include:

  • Mr. Jim’s Pizza – a pizza delivery restaurant. Bought the first franchise unit with his business partner in 1991. Purchased a second unit, and develop a third new location. Owned these businesses through the 1990’s and then sold them.
  • Old World Salons – salon suite business with two locations in Texas. Bought two existing salon suite locations, operated them for six years, and sold them in 2016.
  • Wild Blue Carwash – exterior express car wash with locations in Colorado. Development partner and co-owner of new carwash location. Sold this business in 2019.
  • iTopIt – self-serve frozen yogurt restaurants in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Developed and built two locations, and sold the business in 2021.
  • L3 Destination – a travel consulting business co-owned and operated by Pam Lopez, Henry’s wife.
  • Office Evolution – Plantation – a shared office space and coworking business center. Henry is a minority partner of this franchise location.
  • Levante Business Group – helping people start, run and grow a small business. Produces The How of Business podcast show, and offers business consultant and coaching.

The How of Business Podcast

Henry Lopez is the host of The How of Business podcast show, which was launched in April of 2016 with the goal of providing practical and actionable information for those who aspire to become their own boss, and for existing small business owners. This weekly show features specific small business topics and interviews with other successful business owners and professionals.

Thanks to our loyal listeners, our podcast has enjoyed consistent 5-Star reviews and top-rankings on platforms such as Apple Podcasts. The How of Business podcast is often ranked as one of the Top 200 Business shows on iTunes, and is featured as an All-Time Bestseller in the Entrepreneurship category. Our podcast averages over 100,000 unique downloads or listens per month, and has well over 4,000,000 all-time downloads or listens.

The How of Business podcast is consistently ranked a top podcast in iTunes/Apple Podcasts Entrepreneurship category.

The How of Business Podcast on Apple Podcasts

If you want to learn how to start a small business, and then run and grow a successful and profitable small business, The How of Business offers the resources and help you need. From the top rated The How of Business Podcast show, to one-on-one coaching sessions with Henry Lopez, The How of Business is here to assist you through your entrepreneur journey.

[Learn More about The How of Business podcast]