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Overcoming Fear to Grow Your Small Business with Ruth Soukup.

Overcoming Fear (21:00) to start and grow your small business, with Ruth Soukup – author of “Do It Scared: Finding the Courage to Face Your Fears, Overcome Obstacles, and Create a Life You Love”. She shares her entrepreneur story, including working in her father’s business, and then becoming a successful blogger, bestselling author and small business owner. She found that she was always “doing it scared” in her life, but she still learned to take action.

Overcoming Fear to Grow Your Small Business with Ruth Soukup.

We chat (21:00) about her book, “Do It Scared” and she introduces the 7 Fear Archetypes, which allow you to better understand your specific fears and help you begin to overcome them.

Ruth Soukup is a New York Times bestselling author dedicated to helping women overcome fear and create a life they love. Through her blog, Living Well Spending Less, which reaches more than 1 million women each month, she encourages her readers to follow their dreams and reach their goals.

She is also the founder of the Living Well Planner and Elite Blog Academy, as well as the author of five bestselling books. Her practical advice has been featured in numerous publications and news programs, including Women’s Day, Redbook, and Family Circle.

Her Do It Scared podcast launched in early 2018 and her new book, “Do It Scared: Finding the Courage to Face Your Fears, Overcome Obstacles, and Create a Life You Love”.

Ruth lives in Punta Gorda, Florida.

Overcoming Fear to Grow Your Small Business with Ruth Soukup

  • What made you want to learn more about the role of fear in our lives?
  • Please introduce the 7 Fear Archetypes.
  • Why does identifying our fear matter so much?
  • Please share a personal example of how you overcame fears in your life to launch or grow your business.
  • You say the path to overcoming fear is a bit different for everyone, how so?
  • In your book you talk about adopting a new set of core beliefs—what you call the ‘Principles of Courage.’ Please introduce this concept and why is this important?
    A couple of principles that I would like to chat about specifically:
  • Always Own It – Because you are in complete control of the choices you make.
  • Balance Is Overrated – Because if everything is important, nothing is.
  • You also explain that action is the antidote to fear. What are some practical steps someone can take to move past fear in their own life?
  1. Claim your target. (Setting and committing to a big goal.)
  2. Find your “why.” (Ruth, would you please share your why?)
  3. Create your plan. (The How. Is this the same as a Business Plan?)
  4. Form your truth club. (People who will push you and hold you accountable.)
  5. Stop comparing.
  6. Eliminate excuses. (Ruth, with all that you have going on personally, how did you eliminate excuses? What about the common excuse “I need to learn more before I launch”?)
  7. Stay encouraged. (Enjoy the journey.)

More About the Book – “Do it Scared”

What would you do if fear no longer stood in your way?

What would happen if you were no longer afraid to dive in, head first, and go after your dreams, instead of feeling like you were sitting on the sidelines of your own life?

What then?

We tell ourselves we are too busy to pursue our dreams. That there’s no time, or that it’s not practical. But what if the real reason we’re putting off our goals is FEAR?

The fear that we’re not good enough, not smart or talented or capable enough. It’s the fear that others might laugh at us, or that we’ll get hurt or be rejected, or that pursuing our true potential will simply be too hard.

And most of all, the fear that we’ll fail.

But courage doesn’t mean we are never afraid. True courage means taking action, despite the fear. True courage means doing it scared.

The question is – how? How do we face those fears and take that first step in the right direction? How do we overcome those obstacles that stand in our way and sometimes feel insurmountable?

In Do It Scared, popular blogger and podcast host Ruth Soukup will help you to:

Identify your own unique Fear Archetype – the specific type of fear that keeps you stuck – and learn how to conquer it.
Dare to start thinking bigger about your life and your goals.
Learn how to seek out honest feedback to accomplish big things.
Embrace the core beliefs you need to overcome different types of fears.
Discover why our magical idea of ‘balance’ is totally overrated and let go of the guilt, once and for all.
Equal parts inspiration and tough love, Do It Scared combines easy-to-implement tips with the motivation to start making real changes that lead to big results. Get ready to get off the sidelines and jump into your own life as you dare to Do It Scared.

[Source: Amazon]


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Henry Lopez, Serial Entrepreneur and Business Coach, is the host of this top-rated podcast show.

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