2024 Top 5 Episodes.
Highlights from the 2024 Top 5 Episodes of The How of Business Podcast, based on unique listener downloads.
- Business Expense Budget Tool
Use this spreadsheet to create and monitor your annual operating budget. - Marketing Budget Tool
Use this spreadsheet to create a detailed budget and plan for your marketing and advertising spend and activities. - Cash Flow Worksheet
Use this spreadsheet to forecast and manage your cash or working capital for your small business. - Annual Strategic Plan Outline
Use this outline to create a strategic plan for your small business. Includes the 10 Steps to Creating an Effective Strategic Plan. - Starting Your Business – Are you Ready?
Are you ready to be your own boss? This article will help you determine if you are ready to become your own boss.
- Annual Strategic Planning Online Workshop
Live online workshop with Henry Lopez, to help you learn how to create a strategic growth plan to direct the growth of your small business.
- Starting Your Business – Are You Ready?
Use Coupon Code “2204TOP5” to receive a discount.
Are ready to be your own boss and start a small business? If you’re not ready now, learn what you need to get launched!
The 2024 Top 5 Episodes:
- Episode 510 – 7 Startup Mistakes
- The 7 Start-Up Mistakes:
- No Money.
- Not starting. Getting overwhelmed and paralyzed.
- Getting in Your Own Way.
- Poor Marketing & Sales.
- Starting Too Big.
- Bad Partners and Hiring the Wrong Team.
- Poor Research & Planning.
- There are no guarantees of success in business ownership. Even when we do everything “right”, we often can use a bit of luck. But you can significantly improve your probability of success by avoiding or greatly minimizing these 7 common mistakes.
- You can’t avoid all mistakes – but you should plan and prepare to hopefully avoid the most common mistakes. The avoidable blunders.
- You must learn, prepare, and get help as you develop your business idea and launch your small business.
- The 7 Start-Up Mistakes:
- Episode 506 – Budgeting Fundamentals
- Key reasons why small business owners should create an expense budget:
- Financial Control: A budget allows business owners to establish control over their finances. It helps in managing cash flow, ensuring that expenses are covered, and avoiding overspending.
- Planning and Goal Setting: Budgeting is an essential tool for planning and setting financial goals. It provides a framework for making informed decisions about how to allocate resources to achieve business objectives.
- Performance Measurement: A budget serves as a benchmark against which to measure actual business performance. It helps in identifying variances and making necessary adjustments.
- Key reasons why small business owners should create an expense budget:
- Episode R504 – Annual Strategic Planning
- Best practices and tips and the 10 steps to create your strategic plan – giving you a clear strategy and actionable plan to help you achieve continued success with your small business this year.
- Why do you need a Strategic Plan?
- “A goal without a plan is just a wish.”
- Direction and Focus: Aligns resources, efforts, and staffing towards clear objectives.
- Resource Allocation: Ensures time, money, and effort are invested efficiently.
- Performance Measurement: Introduces key performance indicators (KPIs) to track progress.
- Adaptability: Prepares businesses for market changes and challenges.
- Long-term Success: Lays the groundwork for sustained growth and competitive advantage.
- Episode R1 – Ready to be Your Own Boss?
- Are you Ready, Willing and Able to start your first small business?
- Are You Mentally & Emotionally READY?
- Are you WILLING to put in the time and effort?
- Are you ABLE to afford the investment of Time, Money and Energy?
- Course: Start Your Business – Are you Ready?
- Coupon Code:
- Are you Ready, Willing and Able to start your first small business?
- Episode 509 – Finding Your Identity
- Small business owners often tie their identity solely to their business roles. This “occupational identity” can limit personal growth and business scalability. The episode explores strategies to evolve your identity, including cultivating interests outside of work, setting boundaries, and delegating tasks to empower your team. The goal is to achieve a balanced and resilient sense of self beyond being just a business owner.
- Stephen R. Covey: “We are not our successes. We are not our failures. Our true identity lies in our ability to grow, to adapt, and to always strive for improvement. “
Podcast Episode Archives:
You can find other episodes of The How of Business podcast, the best small business podcast, on our Archives page.