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Five Pillars of Leadership. 

The Five Pillars of Leadership to help you lead a high-performing small business, with Brian Gottlieb.

Brian Gottlieb - Five Pillars of Leadership

Brian shares his entrepreneurial journey, and introduces the five foundational pillars of leadership. Executing on these five leadership pillars allows you to develop a high-performing organization. And help your managers get out of crisis mode so they can effectively lead their teams.

Brian Gottlieb is an inspirational business leader who in 2009, founded Tundraland Home Improvements on a plastic folding table with $3,000.

Twelve years later, when he sold the family of businesses he created, they had diversified products, expanded across multiple states, grown to 600 employees, and neared $1 billion in lifetime sales. The company was recognized by INC 5000 as one of the fastest-growing companies in America.

Brian’s leadership principles are simple: Have a well-defined strategy, empower your teams, provide world-class training, and execute with consistency.

He believes that if you want to build a business, you must commit to building people. This clarity of focus created a meaningful culture, making his company the best place to work in his home state.

A Harvard Business School executive education alumnus, Brian is an active angel investor, board member, and delivers keynote speeches that inspire businesses and individuals to reach their potential.

Brian’s book Beyond the Hammer: A Fresh Approach to Leadership, Culture, and Building High Performance Teams is being published by Forbes and will be available September 10, 2024.

Brian lives in Appleton, Wisconsin.

Five Pillars of Leadership:

  • Brian shares the story of starting his first business Tundraland Home Improvements, and why he decided to sell that small business.
  • When did you know you wanted to be your own boss? Who were early entrepreneurial influences?
  • Beyond the Hammer: A Fresh Approach to Leadership, Culture, and Building High Performance Teams”
    • Why did you write this book, and who is it for?
      “Written for managers and leaders alike, Beyond the Hammer offers a simple, yet powerful approach to creating a team that is aligned and properly positioned to win.”
    • Part 1 – A Business Parable
    • Part 2 – The Five Pillars
  • The Five Foundational Pillars of Leadership: (introduction and brief discussion)
  1. Belief is transferable.
  2. Leaders shape culture through purpose and direction.
  3. Leaders are aware of the echo of their voice.
  4. Leaders model their business as a training organization.
  5. Managers need a checklist.
  • “…the culture of a business is shaped by the lowest level of acceptable behavior.”
  • What is my role as a leader, as it relates to establishing and nurturing the culture of my business?
  • What is the role of my leadership team as it relates to culture?
  • What are some things to look for or measure that tell me how healthy my culture is?
  • If I have a small business with culture challenges, where do I start with fixing it?

Episode Host: Henry Lopez is a serial entrepreneur, small business coach, and the host of this episode of The How of Business podcast show – dedicated to helping you start, run and grow your small business.


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