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Creating Exceptional Customer Experiences. 

Creating exceptional customer experiences in your small business with customer service expert Samantha Irwin.

Samantha Irwin - Exceptional Customer Experiences.

On this episode we discuss how to create consistently exceptional experiences for our customers.

Samantha Irwin is an entrepreneur, speaker, and the founder of Kaizen Small Business Solutions.

She is inspiring and educating teams to create exceptional Customer Experiences that foster loyalty and advocacy, driving both financial success and heartfelt service for brick-and-mortar businesses.

With over 25 years of experience in leadership, Samantha’s dual background in middle school teaching and boutique hotel ownership has uniquely positioned her to empower and educate business leaders and their front-line customer service staff.

Samantha lives Oregon.

Creating Exceptional Customer Experiences:

  • Samantha was a middle school teacher for 13 years and has a Masters in Education.
  • In 2006 she bought a 21-room historic boutique hotel, built in 1907, and then sold that small business in 2016.
  • What led you to launch Kaizen Small Business Solutions?
  • When did you know you wanted to be your own boss? Who were early entrepreneurial influences?
  • Let’s start with what you mean by “Exceptional Customer Experiences” – please share an example or story.
  • Customer Journey Maps:
    • What is a customer Journey Map and how can business owners use it to deliver consistently amazing customer experiences?
    • How are traditional Customer Journey Maps costing business owners money?
    • What are the six “Touchpoints” and why should we pay attention to them?
  • How: “By transforming People into Partners. By finding the RIGHT people, supporting, and equipping them to consistently give amazing Customer Experiences.”
  • What are the key principles you believe drive exceptional customer experiences consistently?
  • How can small businesses effectively train their teams to deliver outstanding service every time?
  • What role does company culture play in ensuring consistent customer satisfaction, and how can it be cultivated (or undermined)?
  • What are common pitfalls businesses face when trying to maintain high customer experience standards?
  • How can business owners measure and improve the quality of their customer interactions over time?
  • Where do I start?

Episode Host: Henry Lopez is a serial entrepreneur, small business coach, and the host of this episode of The How of Business podcast show – dedicated to helping you start, run and grow your small business.


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