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Personal Qualities for Success with Charles McCarrick.

How to transform your personal qualities for success in small business with Charles McCarrick.

Charles McCarrick - Entrepreneur

How can you transform your personal qualities to help you achieve success? Charles shared insights and stories from his new book, “Lessons My Brothers Taught Me”.

Charles D. McCarrick is an entrepreneur, inventor, and lead visionary and founder of Micro-Ant. With more than 10 patents to his name, he pioneers and supplies unique equipment to the communications industry.

Charles’ most defining characteristic is enthusiasm—for new ideas, for the people who work with him, and for continuous improvement. By cultivating people’s confidence and creativity, Charles has forged a top-notch team that delivers new technologies into the hands of customers and value to investors.

Now, he delivers this book of life lessons to you. Charles is the author of “Lessons My Brothers Taught Me – How to transform your personal qualities into a successful business.”

Charles lives in Jacksonville, Florida.

  • Please briefly introduce Micro-Ant. What do you offer and who are your clients?
    (Bespoke Antenna Design & Manufacture – Government | Aviation | Maritime | Land)
  • Please share the story of what led you to launch Micro-Ant.
  • Lessons My Brothers Taught Me – How to transform your personal qualities into a successful business.
    • Why did you write this book and who is it for?
  • Why were your brothers Hank and Bill so intent on “educating” you? This competitive
  • “The budding entrepreneur should first ask themselves, “Why do I want to go into business?”

  • Please introduce your 4S Transform tool (meant to convert your personal qualities into a successful business). The four fundamental principles that must be incorporated for creating a sound business:
    • Salability
    • Sensibility
    • Sustainability
    • Scalability

  • Please share some thoughts on the challenges of transitioning from the corporate world to business ownership.
    “In my experience, it is quite easy for most people to make the decision to start their own business. But actually taking the leap to leave traditional employment and go into business stops most would-be entrepreneurs in their tracks, as though paralyzed by fear.” “Like jumping our of a perfectly good airplane.”
  • “MORAL: Even the most brilliant ideas are subject to failing. Do not let this dissuade you from pursuing your dream. The true value exists more in the process of developing your ideas and less so in the result.”
  • Can you please share one of the early mistakes you made when building your business, or that you often see other also making?

More about the book:

YOU are a business, conducting transactions every day for the purpose of sustaining your well-being, and toward scaling and growing as a person. The success of these transactions depends largely on your salability as an individual, and on your sensibility to distinguish between obstacles and opportunities. If you are willing to embrace the ‘person as a business’ concept, then it is easy to accept the proposition that the success of any business is linked to the human qualities of the people in it. The four principles essential for all success may be expressed as follows:

Salability + Sensibility + Sustainability + Scalability = Success

a process dubbed, the 4S Transform. In this book, you will learn how to identify and apply these “4S” principles toward your own definition of success, including establishing your own business. It is a fun and easy read, with humorous lessons and real-life examples which illustrate that the quality of one’s character plays a dominant role in the success of any transaction, personal or professional.

If you are determined to run your own business, despite lacking any previous experience or formal training in that field this book is for you. You’ll discover that you already possess the pieces to build your own success.

[Source: Amazon]

Episode Host: Henry Lopez is a serial entrepreneur, small business coach, and the host of this episode of The How of Business podcast show – dedicated to helping you start, run and grow your small business.


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