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Email Marketing for Small Business.

How to use Email Marketing to help you grow your small business, with host Henry Lopez. Henry shares tips and best practices for effective email marketing as an integral part of your overall marketing efforts.  From how to build your email list, to tips on formatting an effective email message, this episode covers all you need to know to get you started with email marketing and to improve your current email marketing methods.

Free Download: Email Marketing Tips 

On this episode Henry Lopez shares tips and best practices on Email Marketing for your small business, and focuses on the fundamentals of email marketing to help you grow your small business. Henry draws on his knowledge and experience, and the recommendations he has gathered from other podcast guests and marketing experts.

Topics and questions covered on this episode include:

  • Why should use Email Marketing in your small business?
  • What is “Permission Marketing” – and how is email a type of permission marketing?
    • Permission marketing refers to advertising where the targeted audience has chosen to opt in to receive promotional messages from you and your business.
    • Seth Godin quotes about email marketing and permission marketing from the book “This is Marketing – You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn to See”.
      o “The privilege of delivering anticipated, personal and relevant messages to people who want to get them.”
      o “Real permission looks like this: If you stop showing up, people are concerned. They ask where you went.
  • The goal of email marketing is: Build a list of people who trust you and are interested in what you have to offer. And then consistently provide them with valuable and relevant information.
  • Email marketing should be just one component of your overall marketing plan and tactics.
  • The types of Email Campaigns can include:
    • Promotional Email Campaigns
    • Triggered (by the prospective customer/client) Email Series
    • Post-Purchase Email Drip Campaigns
    • Periodic Newsletter Emails
    • Cart Abandonment Email Campaigns
    • Re-Engagement Email Campaigns
    • Follow-Up Email Campaigns
  • How to Build Your List, and how big of an email list do you need for your small business?
    • Should you buy or rent an email list?
    • Opt-in Forms (on your website)
    • Physical signup sheets
    • Offer an incentive for people to share their email address with you.
    • QR Codes linked to an email submission form
    • Text to Subscribe
    • Pop-up on Website (disable this feature on the home page for mobile users)
    • Gated Content on website (visitors must provide an email to access or download certain content).
    • Gather email at Events
  • Email Segmentation
    • Speak to the segment. This allows for more personalization. Who are they? How are they interacting with you? What kind of content do they want to receive?
    • Start by segregating those who are opening your emails from those who are not.
    • What is the motivation of the different personas in your list?
  • Email Marketing Best Practices
    • From episode 109 – E-Mail Marketing for Small Business with Neil Berman
      • Neil shares his perspective on Permission Marketing – “Send emails to people who know you.”
      • Include Links to read more
      • Use  engaging Subject Lines (but don’t include their name)
      • No long paragraphs – make your emails scannable
      • Resend your emails to recipients who did not open it initially
      • Include a clear call-to-action (and repeat it throughout the email)
  • Campaign Stats – the two most important stats to monitor:
    • Open Rates  – the average email open rate for all industries is approximately 21%.
    • Click-Through Rates – the average across all industries is approximately ~3%.
  • Email Marketing Tools – you should use a tool to manage and automate your email marketing campaigns.
  • Unsubscribes – you should always include a clear and easy way for people to unsubscribe from your email list.



Free Download: Email Marketing Tips 

Books mentioned in this episode:
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Other Podcast Episodes:

Episode 109: Neil Berman – Email Marketing

Marketing Episodes

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