Confident Negotiation for Small Business with Kwame Christian.
Confident Negotiation techniques and tips for small business owners, with attorney Kwame Christian. He introduces the Compassionate Curiosity Framework. Do you struggle with difficult conversations? Have you ever let fear and anxiety prevent you from saying what needed to be said? Have you ever felt as though you don’t know what to say? Attorney and negotiation expert Kwame Christian shares insights and tips on how to find confidence in conflict and negotiate anything.
Kwame Christian is a bestselling author and the Director of the American Negotiation Institute. Kwame is an expert in the field of negotiation and conflict resolution. He has conducted workshops throughout North America and abroad, and is a highly sought-after national keynote speaker.
He is also the host of the world’s most popular negotiation podcast, Negotiate Anything, Kwame is dedicated to empowering others through the art and science of negotiation and persuasion.
His book, “Nobody Will Play With Me: Finding Confidence in Conflict”, is an Amazon Best-Seller and has helped countless individuals overcome the fear, anxiety and emotion often associated with difficult conversations through a branded framework called Compassionate Curiosity.
Kwame lives in Columbus, Ohio.
Confident Negotiation for Small Business with Kwame Christian:
- Kwame introduces the Compassionate Curiosity Framework:
- Acknowledging emotion
- Getting curious with compassion
- Engaging in joint problem solving
- Negotiating like your business life depends on it – How to survive and thrive during the COVID-19 crisis. As an example, any tips for how to negotiate with a landlord for rent relief?
- How to lead, persuade, and resolve conflict with your team while working remotely.
- Negotiation tips when not in person (i.e. over the phone, Zoom, etc.). Strategies and tactics that you can use to get the best deal when you can’t meet face-to-face.
- How to leverage technology to be successful in online negotiations.
- How to resolve conflicts with partners and employees during a lockdown.
- The difference between being liked versus being respected. “Conflict is an opportunity.”
- Other common mistakes you see small business owners make when it comes to negotiations?
Books mentioned in this episode:
[We receive commissions for purchases made through these links (more info)].
- Nobody Will Play With Me: How To Use Compassionate Curiosity to Find Confidence in Conflict by Kwame Christian
- The Confidence Game: Why We Fall for It…Every Time by Maria Konnikova
Other Resources:

Other Episodes:
Kwame Christian was previously a guest on The How of Business podcast on episode 103:
You can find all episodes of The How of Business podcast on the Archives page.